Hey beautiful people… Okay so I feel I owe you all an
explanation as to why I’ve been MIA especially as I promised to never leave you
again… Well I didn’t really leave but I’m sorry I allowed you to think I did.
Basically, what happened was… I moved. No not house, or school or church. I
moved blogs… :s Goodness this is harder than I thought. I’ve been staring at it
forever now wondering how on earth to post it! It’s a really big moment for me
on this side of the screen…
Okay to cut this potentially very lengthy story short I started
a new blog. It’s something I’ve been thinking of for a while. I toyed with the
idea numerous times in my mind, slept on it, chewed it over everything but I
finally made the big decision! I decided to start a whole new blog because I
feel that two things have happened. 1. I’m slowly outgrowing my baby! (This
blog) 2. I like to feel organised and putting personal things on here just
really didn’t sit well with me. So one weekend I made the decision and started
up this new blog I speak of; this blog is a lot more personal (pictures and
everything) and is basically about my journey to a healthier me with lots more
random things thrown in the mix.
Through Hell and High Waters is NOT going to be discontinued
though! It’s just going to get a lot more focused. So basically it would have
all my short stories, poetry and series (Of which there is a new one in the
pipelines, whoop!). As well as my more religious posts. I apologise to all my
readers for this sudden change of direction but like I said, you can still find
me floating about in the blogosphere!
I guess this is a good time to introduce you to my new blog…
Lilac Tinted Views I wouldn’t say
much else about it in the hope that you’re curios enough to click the link and
check it out! Hehe. Okay and if you’re really not that curious well.. Still
click the LINK! You might like it more than this one! There are a few posts up
for you to feast your eyes on so far!
I hope you like it, it likes you already! Lol.