Tuesday, 15 January 2013

I Told You She’s A Heeeeeeeaux

My first exam is in a few days time but I’m bored! Like soooooo bored! I know that there’s always more that I can be doing to make sure I get that distinction but I mean… I’m BORED!! So as is usual, when I get bored; I pick up my phone and talk to random people for a bit while trying to re-motivate myself to study!

As the inspiration from these posts usually comes, I was having an interesting discussion with my friend about hoes. Well it probably had something to do with someone we had seen doing something that was less than savoury but I shan’t dish that juicy secret! Hehe, I kid. The basis of the story is this, there was once a girl who liked a guy, the guy didn’t like her enough to make it serious, they eventually break off their “thing” that they were having and the girl is sort f heartbroken. You know the usual “F**k guys, I hate them, they are always after one thing, I don’t want anything serious anymore, if he could do it why can’t I?” Heard that before? Yeah, so have we all. Just that this one particular girl actually did it! Well she tried to anyways. She started off with just making out with random guys on a drunken night out and escalated all the way to banging her ex’s friends. Obviously, when you sleep with all the guys in a circle of friends I mean.. Youse a hoe! And even if you aren’t, you’re going to be called one! Nobody cares if the nigga broke your heart!

The problem with this definition of a whore is that there are people (females) who like to sleep around just as much as the average guy, she has perfect no-strings-attached sex and she loves it. If she sleeps with all the guys in the circle it’s not about revenge, it’s because she wants to. I mean does this make her a hoe? I’m not feminist or anything, but if men can sleep with however many people they want then why can’t women? Also is a hoe defined by the number of men she’s been with? Because I can think of a couple of virgin hoes! Those ones are wasting their time saving themselves for marriage. The Bible/Quran or whatever other Holy Book you read might say no to premarital sex but best believe it also says a resounding NO to fornication! So just because you do “everything but” doesn’t make you some sort of saint, better knack if you want to knack. Hiss. Anyways back to the conversation, we somehow came to the conclusion that most heauxs have one or more of these issues.

1.     Daddy Issues
This girl had her daddy leave her, probably at a tender age and has been trying to “prove her worth” to men by sleeping with them. She could also have been molested as a child by someone she trusted, for some reason while I was writing this all I could think of was Meek Mill in his song “Love Don’t Live Here saying  “Shorty sixteen f**king everything moving, got raped by her step daddy [he] told her “Just do it”” Deep. My mood just plummeted, I’d type the rest in a minute. Okay I’m back, everyone take a deep breath, inhaaaaale, exhaaaaale. Say a silent prayer for all the young people struggling to stay alive.

2.     Insecurity Issues
She thinks she’s fat/ugly/weird etc. this girls’ self esteem is pretty low and the more people she sleeps with the lower it gets. During the act of physical pleasure there is a moment or two where she feels whole and beautiful but this is usually as short lived as her partners pleasure.

3.     Heartbreak
This last one has sort of been mentioned before, basically the girl that had her heart broken and is a hoe for revenge purposes. She could also be the girl that’s trying to get over the guy by “getting under someone else”

But still, apart from all these different motivations for being a hoe/whore/harlot/Jezebel whatever you like to call them, I still need to figure out what sets them apart from the other girls? I think it has to do with the mindset of the girl, but I can’t figure out exactly what goes on in the minds of these people. I need help!! What do you think is in the mindset of a heaux?

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Exam Season: Distraction and Procrastination!

Wow, I cant believe it's pretty much two weeks into the new year and I haven't posted a thing! This is what happens after you have a rocking Christmas break and put exams on the back burner! I've been trying to go hard at the books because my goal is still to finish this masters degree with a distinction! (70% average) but today and yesterday haven't been the best days! I mean I hate exam season. I know we all do, but I really really hate it! Hours and hours spent reading material and learning things only for them to not come up in the exam! I know people say “No knowledge lost” but what about the time spent?  O ti so nu ni now! (It’s lost now!) It’s so unfortunate that I actually want to be an engineer, I would have dropped out of school and become a stripper, sadly I don’t have the upper body strength for their profession. So here I am, typing away while I really should be studying, who does that? Oh all of you you say? LIARS! You guys are busy hitting the books hard and I’m here, allowing the spirit of procrastination to take over my life, Lord be with me! I need to become more serious about my schoolwork, how else am I meant to get that distinction? **sigh** but seriously though, can school somehow be made more interesting? I mean there are so many other things I’d rather be doing, e.g. reading blogs, updating my blog, listening to gossip, Facebook stalking people, Instagram stalking people, twitter stalking even more people (yes, I know a lot of stalkable people), sleep, stare. I don’t know, anything but studying! Luckily for me after an average of 5-7 hours all these things lose their charm and I think, heck, might as well study… After I have dinner.

When I eventually get down to studying after eliminating the demon of procrastination, a second gargoyle rears it ugly head; distraction! I’ve finally opened up the books, I’ve even read the first few pages then all of a sudden, I read something and my mind wonders down a completely different train of thought, so I pick up the phone and text my best friend the funny thing that just popped into my mind, this leads to an hour long conversation about nothing in particular with me saying “I really should be working” every 10 minutes or so. Ha! It’s ridiculous really! But I feel better because the books are at least open, that’s step one complete. After chatting to my friend and updating her on everything she’s missed over the last hour I finally resume studying. Just that I’ve forgotten what I just read, so back to the beginning I go. Surely you guys can see how this is a vicious cycle? I mean, I get to the line that made my mind wonder the first time and my mind wonders again! Sometimes even down a completely different path, which means I have to relate this NEW information to the bestie! **sigh**

Luckily I’ve found a means of combating this cycle, I have to say it actually works! Well except today where I’m just really allowing the laziness to take over! But it works on a regular day :) Here’s what I try to do:

1.     Eat
The number of times I get up to “find a snack” while I’m trying to study is insane! So I just cut the crap and eat something! Hey! Listen! This is not the time to chow down some pounded yam or other carb heavy food that just makes you sleepy oh! Something small and relatively filling should do the trick. It also helps if you plan your snacks and put them on the table so you don’t have to get up eventually, as long as you don’t gobble them all at once like I would, hehe.

2.     Plan your study time.
I recently started this thing after a suggestion from a friend and I’ve found that it really combats the distraction. I get my watch out and place it somewhere visible, then I study in on-off fashion. So basically, I study for 60 minutes straight, then take a break for 15-20 minutes. Study again for another hour, break for another 15 minutes. Obviously this method needs some tweaking depending on what you’re studying, sometimes it’s possible to do 90 minutes straight then 15 minute break, the key for me is to not take too long a break, the whole distraction thing just comes back if I decide to spend 30 minutes on Facebook/Instagram and I lose the flow! 15 minutes is just enough time to pee, reply messages, quickly check Facebook and breathe. Sometimes in the break if the flow is going to good to be broken, I review the work I’ve just done to actually help me remember stuff. I’m working on maybe taking shorter breaks? Maybe.

3.     Don’t Get Overwhelmed.
Staring at the mountain of books waiting to be read is not helpful, if you’re anything like me all that does is put you in panic mode and then that makes you unproductive, then you get depressed about how unproductive you’re being and then depression sinks in and you feel like doing no work. If you’re lucky this only lasts hours but sometimes it can last days! I’ve found that making a timetable is really helpful but if I don’t meet the goals I’ve set for myself then I start panicking about falling behind and we all know what panic does… What I’ve been trying to do instead is set mini goals for myself from when I wake up or possibly the night before. This helps me break the work up into bite size pieces and the mini goals for the day are usually more realistic and achievable than the timetable I made two weeks ago! Being overwhelmed causes you to lose focus. Just think baby steps, little drops of water make the mighty sea.

Well, after churning out all this advice I believe it’s now time for me to take some of my own advice and get a moving! It’s time to resume studying and stop faffing. Right after lunch. **wink**

Good Luck Everybody!